Without announcement and never seen before, nice weather breaks all records. The sun broke through from the beginning of March in the Western part of Europe! Will this be the forecast of a beautiful spring after a very soft winter ? I’m writing this text the first week of March in the sunshine and temperatures are flirting around the 20°C. Let’s hope for a gorgeous summer too!
The beautiful weather, the ever growing interest in oldtimers and partial results of our long term vision and promises kept us quite busy these past winter months. We wanted to reorganize and realize even more. We’ve worked very hard to get all orders out, adjust our stocks supplies and be ready for the busy season to come.
A part of our planned reforms have been started to work. First of all there are new opening hours for our customers. A very important decision, taken in consultation with our personnel . Nevertheless it was a considerable change and above all a new challenge for us as management, as well as for all the BBT staff.
The world has been shaken up by the situation in the Ukraine. Exchange rates have been startled, but it seemed to be a storm in a teacup. The social media has played an important role. News travels very fast these days. Which political leader dares to make a faulty decision? The risk to be recalled is quite huge if you don’t do it the kosher way!
Speaking about the social media, do you follow our BBT blog? Directly through one of our eight social medial canals? We try to give you through the Blog a daily update of spare parts as well as vehicles. The weekly product updates are important to be kept informed of all product trends within BBT. http://blog.bbt4vw.com.
If you wish, it’s easy to subscribe to the blog for an automatic message through a RSS feed or e-mail for each update. The blog is written in a simple English language. It is easy to understand. But it is also easy to be translated by online Google translator. Reading the BBT blog in your native language is with Google just some clicks away….
I wish you all a fantastic burgeoning spring. Make a stop along the way. Enjoy small thing such as the smell of freshly mown grass or the humming of bees. Take you time to watch animals in the fields, how young animals are frolicking in the meadow searching to explore the big world. I hope our Volkswagens may find their way the to many meetings to come.
Or even better, start the old beast on a free day and drive into the wild. Make a picnic with your family or friends. Picnicking with ancient cars, I can’t imagine something more idyllic… Nice pictures, memories for ever. A couple of hours later you’re back home and can resume your hectic life. But you will remember the picnic much longer than those hectic moments of the same week… And you’ll give also an important signal to the youth. A proof how easy life can be. And how nice old cars can be set in.
Enjoy life, it lasts just a while….
Keep the faith!
Price modifications are indicated on the pricelist itself!