Rear axle Gearbox Gearbox components

Heavy duty side plate for IRS transmission case

Beetle 1302/03, Karmann Ghia 08/68-

Due to the increasing demand BBT has taken these aluminium heavy duty transmission case plates into the program. They are mostly adequate for use with gear boxes for competition. Most of the times these gear boxes had to be adjusted with a heavy duty differential (BBT 1420/1421) and strengthened driving shafts, resulting that the casing was suffering considerably. This heavy duty aluminium plate replaces the original cover plate and prevents that twisting forces can be developed which can lead to damage of the gearbox.

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update sync 06/05/2024

When a lot of torsions come to your transmission this HD side cover is no luxury. Especially with high performance engine or during off-road sessions there is an incredible torque power on the transmission housing. This cover helps to reinforce, and so saves that transmission. a must for everybody that is thinking for a serious engine tuning, or want to drive wild!

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