The authentic trim panels for pick-up and combi split buses is made from grey hardboard, which gets easily damaged and is hardly resistant to moisture. In practice we see many Splitbuses with deformed trim panels that dont sit on their place anymore. Therefore we receive frequently demands for this door panels, though we were looking for a more sustainable product. Weve found the solution under the form of this PVC trim panel that is in the matter of color as well as structure very similar to the original model. The principal difference is the sustainability and strength of these panels. They are better resistant to damages and cannot deform due to influences of humidity. We can deliver from stock the door panels, the kick panels as well as the roof panels for the drivers cabin; suitable for Type 1 buses single cab, double cab and combi.
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Our products are intended for use only in accordance with the specified instructions. Installation should only be carried out by qualified personnel. Products may be supplied without installation instructions.