Greetings from Hamburg, Germany, where we’re cleaning out the warehouse of Dieter Schmidt Lorenz…
It’s just massive…
A very special word of thanks to Susanne for the catering and to Dieter for help despite his crazy pain in the back.
We made a small display of NOS parts and boxes, just as a reminder what we go through here…
Full feature of the entire clean-up will come in Hayburner magazine, make sure to reserve your copy!
Nov 14, 2023 at 07:34 AM
In reply to <a href="">-Nate</a>. Hi Nate I got an email on our info so i see you found our parts catalog already. One of our sales team will come back to you soon. always at your service
Nov 14, 2023 at 01:41 AM
I'm having trouble finding the parts page.... Linky please . TIA, -Nate